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The Monarchy Be Gone!

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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:18 am

IMO-I don't know who's advising that old woman but putting the fake lab baby on a stamp and giving Wimpo and the Wag everything they want.Furthest people wanting to get rid of the monarchy.What huge mistake to have gotten 'rid of Diana' jealous mean looking hag.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by Indie Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:25 pm

I agree. She is one mean old bitch and stupid to boot. Getting rid of Diana to wit. That's probably why she gives the 2 moronic Crotchbridges everything they want. The Dolt whines and threatens to tell the world what she did to his mommy.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by Romilly Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:47 am

Comment from RG

Interesting comment in the DM re the photographer, particularly 'the artfully staged portraits' comment.

'So Annie Leibovitz was perhaps quite a controversial choice to photograph the monarch in honour of her 90th birthday.
American Miss Leibovitz, 66, is best known for her artfully staged portraits of Hollywood royalty – as opposed to the real thing – for Vanity Fair magazine.
She has repeatedly broken new ground with her work on challenging subjects.'

It is being said that QE was reluctant o sit for that photo but was persuaded that it would look odd if there wasn't one like it. It certainly shows on her face and the comment above (Elizabeth looks like she is trying hard to want to be there) is spot on.

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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:02 am

^Romilly to be a little fair I think the queen is not a touchy feely person and these kinds of pictures even with her family she can't stand doing them.Look at the one with Anne she looks cold and unfeeling.
Indie wrote:I agree. She is one mean old bitch and stupid to boot. Getting rid of Diana to wit. That's probably why she gives the 2 moronic Crotchbridges everything they want. The Dolt whines and threatens to tell the world what she did to his mommy.
The real mind was HM mother if she was alive there would be no Midds round no way.Even Diana would have stopped the Wag.They thought Diana was threat to them Diana would have made the Monarchy stronger she would have made such a great Queen.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:10 pm

Funny how the press keeps saying Wimpo is still the favourite among the public.Yeah sure that's why when that article came out about him being workshy they let the real comments come through people can't stand him or his family.If he was truly 'popular' there wouldn't be so much PR dribble.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:20 am
Imopnion why wait! She treated Diana like crap and if the rumours are true knew what was going to happen to PD.The old woman needs no respect.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Taxpayers

Post by GermanY Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:36 am

Feel so sooory for the taxpayers. She really thinks she caught something great like she got some sort of politician lol- dear the manchild is P-Andrew jr and you will be his Fergie.The public has already seen what a shallow constantly lying thing you are.You will never get the Diana status never.She was something new and refreshing you are used and look so washed up been around the block sort of woman.Look at her- looks like a overly fake hollyweird. Both look like they could use a good scrubbing actually dirty smelly yuck! The manchild only became 'popular' after he and Bonas brokeup now hooking up with Miss divorcee that looks like a 47 year old eggplant has made him a total foolish joke. Even the PM's booed when were told about this silly engagement and the foreign press said they cared nothing for the red head spoiled brat. For the other lazy 'pregnant' Wag better keep eye on the other hussy who knows if she's really after Wimpo and you can see Wimpo doesn't touch his Wag the other hussy will do anything to get what she wants.Maybe her motive will be to get Wimpo what a soap opera. Oh and wait for the press Wimpo and the manchild fight over the hussy because she's so hoot -even with those flamingo legs of her's- lol. Some idiot wrote she's better than Waity because this one 'works' how- stupid.She's still a gold digger who used men to get what she wanted she's no better than Waity. Hope PC doesn't even pay for expensive clothes for her let his dumb son work. Once again feel so soory for the taxpayers.

Found this just oh my.This absolutely makes no sense this woman is allowed to marry into the RF.If this is true her family makes the other Wag-The Viper and Fester look decent.Might as well pick a random woman from the street and say now you are royalty. The eggplant hussy has leaked info to the SUN- RM the owner of the SUN doesn't like the RF but they are letting 'a leaker' 'join' them.Something fishy is going on maybe the RF knows they will be gone soon from power and don't care who joins them.Weird just weird.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 am

JMO-First of all this isn't the 1880's like people don't know she's of mixed race :rolleyes: This is to make her seem like a victim when she herself seems to be the race baiter who only dated 'casper the ghost men'. So the Eggplant vampire witch and the manchild will make a official outing together on Friday what a debacle. Will her wig be up and wear a suit with pearls pretending to be a 'lady'. Someone should bring a nude photo of her's from the net to sign I mean there are rumours there are tons of real ones of her out there *shrugs* but wouldn't surprise me one bit. Public don't forget to wash your hands after shaking both those peoples hands. I mean one crawled on top of different men to get to a famous man and the other crawled to get random over used sloppy seconds poo-seee. yuky yuck yuck.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:39 pm

pulled in massive crowds
Lies it was not 'massive' at all.
she's beautiful
It's called plastic surgery .Looks like the dummies haven't seen old photos of her- how she really looked. lol.

First of- both look so weirdly fugly as 'a couple'. He's into big breasted women and shapely she's neither of those. Her beady eyes were beaming from her huge ego she really thinks she's 'the new PD'. People are so stupid shaking the hand of someone so dirty from the rumours out there she's pretty vile. I read some idiots saying how she did well not nervous. She's been in front of the cameras a few years now she knows the press -cameras-media how they all work they are nothing new to her she knows how to manipulate situations. It's not like he picked a shy unknown woman. As for him he looked pathetic a total medicated wuss.She looked like an octopus grabbing him she should put him on her lap a burp him too yes mother. Food for thought she's 36 the same age PD passed-just saying.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:16 pm
jmopinions-Why is she even there look at her pretending to be shy like she has never been in front of the cameras.Holding the manchild like 'she's innocent' that over used been around the block a lot hussy.There is something weird in those pictures she looks like the lamb and the rest of the RF look sheepish like they know a secret and want to burst out laughing .Is the hussy there to distract from the third lab baby that's on the way with the other Wag.The hussy divorcee and the manchild seem totally not good together.Some are saying there are nudes or dirty tape coming about the hussy.I really think a dirty tape or nude pictures won't really matter though we are living in a whatever society that probably will excuse it.But if let's say if she has had abortions or has a kid out of wedlock or even had two marriages then it's on hussy.
So she wears an over expensive dress but her sister needs help financially and the hussy won't help her very human for her right. rolls eyes. Her sister now again is saying some stuff about the hussy I wish she would spill the beans already.Sucking up to your sister didn't work did it.Your sister doesn't care about you dear unless she needs the photo op. Whatever dirt you have on her just say it I bet she has alot of of grossness you can tell.

Oh-and Wimpo and the Manchild both are losing more hair at rapid speed.Of course they are both with very toxic 'women' you can tell.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:52 am
Her videos on people who are narcissitic is spot on.Describes the hussy to a T-including her evil looking stare and spooky preying eyes.

The manchild and the hussy are a diplomatic nightmare not just for the RF but representing in a bad way the UK too.The RF are supported by a lot of rich shiks that won't appreciate the race bating hussy and the manchild low class views disgrace.The best way remove the manchild from his position in the RF because the taxpyers shouldbn't pay for his lifestyle and expensive protection.Also public stop looking at the manchild as 'PD son' that's over and done with.He's a dumb old man that his mother imo would be ashamed of.What's funny is the manchild and the hussy Megaliar think both will be some sort of leaders that together will changed the world.Pathetic coming from two liars and people are seeing through their fakeness.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:48 am

Get out the violin.Will mama remove her dreadlocks or have her hair slicked back.There are rumours her mama might have a shady past like her papa.Like being sticky fingers with her employers checks that didn't belong to her so she did time.That's why maybe mama can't travel to the UK.My G- this will not be the British RF anymore.Just end that institution already. I mean bringing in more trash living off taxpayers money is something that should not be allowed.

Looks like she's not liked at all or the British people are indifferent towards her-but a sensation which she thinks she is won't happen.Sorry hussy no matter how much you pay others to write glowing comments about you the thruth is in the pudding. Hmm-when is her alleged sordid past going to come out already.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:57 am

Just myopinions- The vile press now labeling the hussy 'shy' pluz stop it! She's not an introvert or shy guess now they are trying to wash her dirty past or they are being sarcastic.As for her she really should stop acting up she looks demented and like Norman Bates mother.Maybe her sister is right she is near 40 or is 40 she looks very old not in her 30's like that other Wag looks fourtyish too.

So they rented a small crowd on a budget it looks it.From the woman carrying expensive flowers to give to the hussy totally didn't match.Those flowers were giving to her as prop.So pathetic they had to pay people in order to pretend they ae liked.In reality this is like the title of the thread states.Something interesting about her pants they were huge and bigger than his what is she trying to say she wears the pants in the 'relationship'.Because he looks like a manchild wanting a mummy figure to take the lead he might as well come out already wearing a skirt and a bib.In the pictures you can see she wants to get out of there too much peope that share her same race which she clearly doesn't like.Also the manchild has a weak smile and so does she it's pretend pretend with those two.
The link is not showing. It's an interview with Wallis and Edward they look so much like the other hussy and the manchild.Edward has no self esteem and Wallis looks like she emasculated him.

That's man's face gives me the creeps he really looks like a bad person.Like a bad wizard you see on a cartoon.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:30 pm

So much for the 'paid screamers we luv you'.No matter how much you pay actors the real public doesn't seem to like those two.More articles should come out.
Imopinions-Come on pluz is this aimed at the dummies in the public.Give us the real dirt who the hussy is already no more fluff articles wasting time.The taxpayers deserve to know her shady background already!!That hard skin and wrinkles of hers is telling she must have been around the block since youth.
That top was already on sale the black one was sold out before it was pictured on the hussy so no it didn't sell out because of her.Interesting Mark Spencer PD's last name before becoming a Royal.Amazing isn't it ?Now that she's famous and the manchild has brought that mess she's suddendly 'decent' forget her sleazy background.I see now the matchy match outfits they wear.Looks like she's trying to be next Aniston and Pitt those two were very popular in their day together now it seems the hussy is dressing the manchild to match
So those two are going to cardiff what a messy mess isn't that where PD got the key to the city.Manchild your real mum would be so ashamed of you pathetic overgrown mushroom!!


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:51 pm
Where there's smoke there's fire.Something must be coming.
People are saying is her doing this.If it's remotely true man she seems to be a real troublemaker.What will the real RF do.In cardiff hopefully she will start talking with a 'British accent' and looking wide eyed the 'shy Di look' Do it skanky I want to laugh so hard.
At previous outings to Brixton and Nottingham she attracted enormous crowds
Yeah massive 20 tops rent a crowd just wow amazing.Let's see cardiff don't forget the buses of old people school people etc lol.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:00 pm
eeww I wouldn't want my child hugging that.From the rumours out there that nasty piece of work.Those kids were not even there for them anyways the manchild being a sneak for the photo op.No matter what machild the taxpayers don't like your faker and you are a clown now. Look at the small crowds it's showing. Also DM stop putting the hussy and the machild in the news section put them far away like the femail section.

One of the quotes is she's 'empowering women' through the earrings she wore.
How insulting to real women out there who fight daily for womens rights.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:39 pm

They are rubbing shoulders with immortal celebrities
And getting 'engaged' to them too.Oh-the thought- shivers.

We are involved in modernizing the British monarchy

what's their idea of modernizing drinking at bars and dating sluts.They have taken PD's quote and twisting it that's not what she meant.She meant getting involved into charities more passionately.See her interview see what she said.

Marry into a life of unimaginable wealth and privilige
Imopinion that's exactly what the hussy is aiming for.But-I think the RF will kick the manchild out before that happens.Especially 'supporting' some dirty hussy.

Popeye wants his pant's back you hussy.
She really seems like a cold hearted snake.Maybe even in school she lied about her mum.Who knows she seems like the type.It's funny how the manchild is taking her to 'charity events' when charity starts at home.Which from the comments from people who know her she's full of lies and crap not truly caring about anything important.
looks like the press is warning the taxpaers.What it will be like having the hussy as a member of you know.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:13 am
In the headlines it says 'The new peoples princess'. Her 'PR' did this to get people stirred up honey it's been done before.The press tried with the other wag and didn't stick with her- with you it's like vaseline just slides down.Come up with a new phrase like 'The new peoples' burden' would be fitting. Sweetie the peoples princess was given to PD by a politican whoever the manchild marries will be duchess not princess go back to hollyweird hussy.Hopefully the other Wimpo does something about this his mother's legacy is trying to be over stepped by some dirty creature.
She doesn't even support her own family blood you think she cares for the welfare of others pluzeee.If you do just go to sleep ok.Lol What next she goes to animal shelters or elephant sanctuary her last resort.Look it 'how caring' the used bicycle is.Lol


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:38 pm
That is the 'future' of the RF.A wimp,a lying 'padded' Wag-a manchild and a hussy how embarrassing for the taxpayers and country- really. The four phony musketeers.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:21 am

How awful.But isn't that RE one of the hussy's go to leaking 'reporters'.So now they've turned on her.You see never do business with shaddy people RE thought she was going to get all the 'scoops' and be hot look at that twitter post against her. Next time RE if the manchild goes out on engagements with the hussy don't mention her pretend the manchild went alone.He's talking to hot air and an invinsible ghost is holding his
People know- if the rumours are true she is in her late fourties and looks every bit of it!!


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Fri May 18, 2018 1:22 pm

So the manchild's father is 'walking down the isle' that used married a whole bunch of times and a paid call-hookey. What can anyone expect when he himself married his mistress it opened the door to all this.I feel for the taxpayers and the really stupid people out there waving little flags who aren't even aware of who that hussy really is-vile.I guess the title of this thread is quiet fitting who knew that it would be his gross son who did all this to his own family.Possibly revenge on his part jealous of Wimpo even.Well remember you also marry the family of the person who you are with and she's trailer trash and ghetto all rolled into one.Wearing expensive jewelry doesn't change that for you hussy.Diplomats must be laughing at the manchild imagine taking your hussy pretending she's suddendly' respectable' on 'tour' when half the world of men have had that 'for sale'-disgusting. If that's about 'to enter' the monarchy why even have one.Look at her and 'family' you the public really going to be paying lots of money for that trash to live the good life and the RF laughing at the public.End It!
The media saying she 'represents America" no she doesn't she represents Hollyweird that's the side she comes from.America by far the people are pretty conservative I think also the UK which she's not that's why the people don't like her they see her phoniness- good. Wait for stories how she doesn't get her way plays 'the victim' to the press.Unless the RF have something in mind for her who knows. Just look at the mess of the manchild what he said about the US president last year having the hussy around is an all around international nightmare. A expensive mess forced out of the taxpayers wallet.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Sat May 19, 2018 10:56 pm

imopinions This didn't look like a real RF wedding because it's not- like people were saying they all look like a bunch of paid actors.No diplomats heads of states the no USA president just soon to be has been celebs.As for the Duchess of sucks a lot please kacken you wearing white the recyled bride lol.She looked like a ghost from a Vincent Price old movie lol.The manhild well didn't even look like him- people sitting there looking bored looking like they rather be somewhere else.The worst part is how vile she is to her poverty stricken family not invited heck even the viper invited her butcher to her Wag's wedding.The hussy thinks 'she's made it' ha I think people will lose interest eventually in both the hussy and the manchild.He only got 'popular' because he was single' now it's over.How long until he's seen in a bar drinking next to a blonde or get's bloated from stress and moves far away with the hussy's father in Mexico lol.Sorry hussy you will never be Diana never you don't have the charm twinkle in the eyes or appeal your fake RF title doesn't cut it. People will eventually get rid of this family they let any trash in.The puppet masters possibly let her in as a mockery to to RF.The manchild is seen as the 'black sheep of the two brothers.He's white and black now marries a black and white the two goats to deflect attention from more serious issues that 'family has'. Wait for the separation. Yeah and wait for articles about the hussy and Wag at each others throats trying to out do each other. Or the Wag jealous of the hussy and Wimpo.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Mon May 21, 2018 7:12 am


Look how she grabbed PC.Rumour is mama dreadlcoks quit 'her job' wouldn't surprise me if she moves in with her hussy funded by taxpayers and bodyguard a scandal breaks then yells racism and boom mama dreadlocks get's to stay. I bet she will soon be trying to land herself a titled man for herself her hussy snapping her fingers at her manchild go ahead lap dog make it happen- for my mama. Oh-and camiilla her hat looked like a flamingo on her
I am ready for a drink now
Of course you are along with let's say powder flour sniff sniff.sneeze.

her hand to her chest and saying 'wow'

Of course you got to where you are by having no remorse or concious using people "wow" is right!!
How long until staff start leaving because of that callhooky.Demanding things and making people cry and telling them off.

Talk about single white female.Will she dye her hair blonde too weirdo.The manchild totally disrespecting his mother she must be so sad. Sad The other Wag better watch her finger. I think the hussy really wants PD's blue sapphire ring that's possibly her dream to wear it.
Yeah you better pray you are weak your mother would have never allowed this. What does this ' fake wedding' mean you lost the war to US and now the monarchy too?? hmm.
Looks like the Call hooky but instead of animals attacking her a big nasty ugly fly landed on her plastic Even in the cartoon the prince was hypnotized like the manchild weird.
Wouldn't surprise me the hype is fake and the British public sees through her phony both of them.

Due to immaturity or disrespect you may have neglected your loved ones there will be some lessons or extra effort required this life to pay back this karmatic debt
If you are into astrology Saturn is backwards this month.Everything she did to her poverty stricken family treating them like less than has collected in her karma.So meaning what she did to people she will see the consequences for being a lying no remorse hussy including mama dreadlocks.

Last edited by GermanY on Mon May 21, 2018 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Mon May 21, 2018 8:07 am

How when she only dated white men and only hanged out with white women look at her track record.No black members of her family invitedto the wedding.She clearly can stand her real hair texture that use to grow out of her scalp.Reading this stupid article I guess that old saying is true 'ignorance is bliss' .

The girls said Meghan has become a face for women of color and they are proud that she represents them
Check who you are idolizing first .Will they say the same thing when all her unclean past is shown for all to see.


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The Monarchy Be Gone! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monarchy Be Gone!

Post by GermanY Sat May 26, 2018 6:02 am

That bee really got me
She sure did! Oh he meant the flying Look at her so fake it's no wonder she never made it into a successful 'actress'.lol People expected to curtsey and called her ma'm ' absolute lunacy curtsey to a paid callhooky gross. This is NOT the real RF anymore.
Listen to this video the spirit of Jezebel.Could the hussy be it? The man describes what it is and how the person who's with the Jezebel starts looking fugly like the manchild how they use people then discard them very creepy.So The hussy got a coat of arms what a joke does she even know what it means.Even men are telling the manchild to run away from her they know what she's about!!


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