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Scottish Independence

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Snaggle Bobcat Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:59 pm

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Snaggle Bobcat Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:02 pm

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Snaggle Bobcat Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:02 pm

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Rozel Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:58 am

Ha ha  -  could well be SB, stranger things have happened that is for sure.

Last edited by Rozel on Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by PaulineB Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:30 pm

A commentator on Sky 'what the papers say' seems to think tfat there will be a big surprise with the yes's winning.
All the overt mud slinging and putting fear in to people may well have had the opposite effect. Call me Dave and the gaggle of politicians who have all rushed North have done more harm than good and appear so desperate.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by GermanY Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:05 am

Vivienne Westwood says vote yes.There this huge blackmailing going on against the scots voters voting yes 'especial interest' basically blackmailing the Scots through the media.If you don't vote this way we will take this or that away from you.I hope the Scots don't allow the 'especial interest' bully them they don't really care about the people only their pockets just like the RF.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Rozel Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:11 pm

The British politicians care not about the Scots, or their welfare. All they are thinking about is themselves and how a Yes vote will affect them, and of course affect them it will.  As ever with the politicians  -  self, self and self again. They would sell their granny for a fiver to get a vote, make no mistake about that. They always play dirty.

I think they were so complacent, never, ever thought the Yes vote would be entertained.  The vision of them all scuttling up north at the beginning of last week, with "call me Dave" practically in tears begging them to vote No, was so laughable, it was like something from Fawlty Towers gone wrong.  All it made me think was how desperate it was, nobody would lower themselves that far in public if they were not desperate, most people have more pride than that.

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Iamroyalty Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:14 pm

Rozel wrote:The British politicians care not about the Scots, or their welfare. All they are thinking about is themselves and how a Yes vote will affect them, and of course affect them it will.  As ever with the politicians  -  self, self and self again. They would sell their granny for a fiver to get a vote, make no mistake about that. They always play dirty.

I don't think many politicians anywhere care about anyone but themselves


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Rozel Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:22 pm

So very true, the politicians tell their lies to get voted in, then we are left to pick up the pieces because most of what they promise is a load of lies.

Wonder if the Conservatives will get voted in again next year? There are a lot of people disappointed with Dave the Rave, and the coalition does not appear to have been overly successful does it. Interesting times in 2015.

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Iamroyalty Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:11 pm

IMO Call me Dave is toast and Clegg the Peg won't fare much better so methinks Labour it will be - oh Lord I can't stand the thought of Milliband though


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by GermanY Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:14 am

Rozel wrote:The British politicians care not about the Scots, or their welfare. All they are thinking about is themselves and how a Yes vote will affect them, and of course affect them it will.  As ever with the politicians  -  self, self and self again. They would sell their granny for a fiver to get a vote, make no mistake about that. They always play dirty.

Just like the usa 2000 election all full of dirt and lies.Today is the BIG day I hope there is no fishy play.The articles have been nothing but fear fear fear I hope the scots vote the right way and the votes turn out honest this is it today!


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Romilly Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:37 pm

Hissing, spitting Millie and 'call me Dave' are definitely toast if there is a yes vote. Apparently there are 2500 twitter followers of Andy Murray who are being influenced by him saying 'yes' - an interesting result awaits us tomorrow.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by GermanY Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:08 am

There is no way in h*ll that the no's won no way.You can clearly see the yes won too many people wanted independence.But look who's in charge the rulers of this world are in control of counting the ballots.Let's see how the results turn out.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by GermanY Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:53 am

Voting is a BIG JOKE like I said look at the turn out of the YES voters there is no way they lost no way.A few days ago the yes voters where ahead then the elitist saw this- the votes had to be rigged through and through.Millions of young voters turned up you think they didn't want independence ha.Now the kicker the British politicians who promised the scots favours if they voted no are backing away from their promise never trust a wolf in a suit.The only way to get 'independence' is through force and taking it to the streets not a rigged voting system it doesn't work that way especially in a country like the UK you got the crown being protected by the top.This was all just a silly game to them making the people think their 'votes' counted somehow.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Anniecross Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:27 pm

Much talk everywhere GermanyY that it was rigged and many more wanted Scotland to be independent than not. What a corrupt society we live in and apparently that is why party leaders had hot footed up there being vociferous to take the eye off the fact that it was going to be rigged! Doesn't surprise me one bit!!


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Rozel Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:37 am

I have heard that as well Anniecross. I think there will be repercussions, I would wipe those smug smiles off their faces, the fat lady has not sung yet, but she will one day, and boy do they have it coming. All rigged. People say with computers these days that can´t be done. The truth of the matter is that computers make it easier than ever to rig a poll, and sadly for politicians, who think they are so clever, most people realise that now. We have long gone past the era of believing what they tell us, because we have come to realise it is a pack of lies anyway, and they are always found out at some stage.

Wish it had been a Yes vote, but it was never going to be, they knew they would rig it from day one of the panic when they saw the poll with all the Yes votes leading.

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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Romilly Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:01 pm

General feeling everywhere that it was rigged and as you say no one believes anything any more!


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Snow Kitten Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:38 pm

I think they are all in the days of yore, thinking the public will be fobbed off with anything. Lies, lies and more lies these days.

Does anyone remember, not that long ago, the secret agent, found dead in his flat, locked in a holdall? And what was the verdict, suicide.!! What?? So, we all know what to do if we feel suicidal. Do the deed, and then lock ourselves in a holdall and throw away the key. I ask you, how preposterous was that verdict. They really do think they are superior to everyone else. Only a fool would believe that verdict.

Same with the Scottish not winning on the Yes vote. I will never, ever believe it was not rigged, as has been said on here, and many other places, too many people wanted independence for it not to go through.

Anyway, we wait and see, but nothing will remain the same. And what about all those promises for this, that and the other the UK politicians feverishly made. Not a thought to the millions under the bread line in the UK, can´t even afford to feed their kids, oh no, but let´s plough thousands into keep Scotland.

None of it makes sense, none of it. Such a shame for all those lying politicians that a lot of us see through it all. Says a lot when "call me Dave" has to pay people to friend him on Facebook otherwise he would have very few - and he thought nobody would ever find out. Ha ha ha ha ha - best laugh in ages.

My sympathies lie with the Scots, they did not get what they wanted, sadly.
Snow Kitten
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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Anniecross Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:40 pm

Agree Snow and the upshot is that nobody believes any of them anymore. They are all as corrupt as one another! Definitely a rigged vote with people turning up to find some one had used their vote and whole streets of voting papers going missing, not to mention computer hacking etc etc. Things will never be the same again as irreparable damage has been done. The only good thing is that it might be the end of 'call me Dave', Clegg and hissing, spitting Millie!


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by PaulineB Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:44 pm

'Buying' friends on Facebook - how desperate is that!!?
Definitely one for the history books - don't think even evil ole Ma mid has resorted to that yet!! LOL!


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Snow Kitten Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:47 pm

I found this one IaR - possibly the same article maybe.

I think everything is not going to be plain sailing, already talk about some people turning up twice to vote and ballot boxes being investigated, people in some streets not received their voting papers, etc. etc. I personally think it was rigged, they got the frighteners when the Yes vote took the lead.

I also see some people want the the politicians to renege on the latest promises made for more goodies to go the Scots. Those promises should never have been made in the heat of the moment, just shows how despeated Call me Dave and HM were.

if they think it is going to be an easy ride just because the rigged vote is a no then they need to think again.
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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by PaulineB Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:44 pm

Definitely not an easy ride and already street clashes
between the yes and no's. Couldn't agree more about the vote rigging.

Alex Salmond saying on tv tonight that there are other ways besides a Referendum to become independent! Very interesting times ahead.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by GermanY Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:54 am

The Scots definitely won on Thrusday their independence but as long as that Queen is still there the ones in power will do everything for that not to happen.All this in a way has backfired against the cheaters because the world is saying it was rigged even the Russian they know all about corruption.When they said it was rigged it was.Check this out now Lloyds bank is stabbing the Scots saying they might move to England when they promised if they voted no they would stay.Something is up and they are scared the Scots know they were cheated this will not stay like this in the near future.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

Post by Anniecross Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:26 am

Yes, Scots definitely know they were cheated and the riots and clashes have already started.


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Scottish Independence - Page 3 Empty Re: Scottish Independence

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